Beach picnic story so far.....

Image result for flicking hair into a heart in sun set“Yay beach picnic here we come!” I'm excited to hop into the water. The water is my BFF! I feel like i'm the only one that wants to hop into the water and swim!
Image result for cold water swimming“And after I think about na i feel the cold too much and I’ll scream to death (death,death,death,death, death, death, death!!!!!!!)

Im only kidding, like I said the water ls my best friend.

“The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round , all day long.”
“This is getting restlessly out of control, Gypsy and Kalissa say shut your mouth, shut your mouth shut your mouth, Gypsy and Kalissa say shut your mouth all day long,”  I yawned


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